Selling your medical device in the global marketplace requires you to consider other languages and cultures. There are over 20 official languages in Europe alone and thousands more worldwide. How is it possible to provide necessary information about your medical device to a diverse group of users?
The use of symbols and the adoption of electronic labeling (e-labeling), where possible, help simplify product labeling while also providing sufficient information for users. In this white paper, we'll answer your biggest questions about standards, requirements, and symbols for medical device labeling, including:
You will learn all this and more in this 9-page white paper.
您可能已经听说,欧盟完善的医疗器械法规即将迎来变化。并且您可能有很多疑问。这些变化意味着什么,它们将如何影响您的公司? 欧盟新的医疗器械法规(MDR)将对医疗器械制造商进入欧盟市场的方式以及如何在产品的整个生命周期内维持合规产生重大影响。在这份长达28页的白皮书中,Emergo的