Posted April 2015.
With 50 million residents and high per capita spending on healthcare, South Korea is one of the largest Asian healthcare markets, roughly equal in size to India. All medical devices in South Korea must undergo an approval process overseen by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS).
This six-part video describes the steps for manufacturers to import their devices into South Korea, breaking it down into easy to follow steps. Once you begin the series you may skip to the next section at any time using the Playlist in the player window.
阅读更多您可能已经听说,欧盟完善的医疗器械法规即将迎来变化。并且您可能有很多疑问。这些变化意味着什么,它们将如何影响您的公司? 欧盟新的医疗器械法规(MDR)将对医疗器械制造商进入欧盟市场的方式以及如何在产品的整个生命周期内维持合规产生重大影响。在这份长达28页的白皮书中,Emergo的