2017年 4月 28日
Brazilian medical device market regulator ANVISA has implemented new risk-based requirements for domestic companies to obtain sanitary licenses.
The new regulation, RDC 153/2017 (link in Portuguese), affects Brazilian manufacturers, distributors, Brazilian Registration Holders (BRH) and other firms involved in the country’s medical device sector. The regulation defines classifications of degrees of risk associated with different business activities of sanitary license holders; higher-risk activities will more likely warrant inspections by local Brazilian health authorities.
Although RDC 153/2017 does not directly impact foreign manufacturers selling in Brazil, companies should be aware of these new requirements impacting their Brazilian distribution, warehousing, BRH and related partners.
Previously, all Brazilian companies seeking sanitary licenses had to first request on-site inspections from local health authorities, undergo those inspections and obtain inspection reports before applying for the federal license.
Through RDC 153/2017, decisions to conduct inspections of applicant sites are made using a risk-based approach; using a criterion called classification of economic activity (CNAE), local health regulators classify the risk level of a license applicant’s economic activity; high-risk applicants warrant inspections, while low-risk applicants do not.
ANVISA defines three CNAE risk levels:
A related Normative Instruction from ANVISA, IN 16/2017 (link in Portuguese), specifies CNAEs and their three-tier risk classification system.
“With this regulation, local health authorities can optimize sanitary inspection activities based on risk factors,” explains Luiz Levy, Director of RA/QA at Emergo’s Brasilia office. “Authorities can prioritize their inspection efforts for high-risk establishments, which will reduce the queue for inspections that have historically been a problem in larger states for companies trying to launch or change operations.
“Additionally, this new regulation allows the sanitary license process to be performed electronically, which will assist the local authorities to deliver faster licensing decisions,” Levy adds.